On another, more interesting note, Val is here for the first installment of Dirty T Party Weekend 09! Good times have been had by all. DDR, Pizza Hut, an early birthday party, coffee, Indian Kitchen, hair washes (at a barber shop? We’re still not sure what happened…) a photo shoot (pictures will follow…), etc. Everyone else went out to WuYi Square for an afternoon, but I was nocturnal that day… It’s been a GREAT weekend and so fun to have FUN in our city. We seriously don’t leave campus during the week, and forget that Taiyuan has quite a few redeeming qualities and pretty good restaurants.
As previously promised, here’s a recap of the Changchun Party Weekend 09:
- Flying definitely wins. It was worth the kuai.
- I love the individual hot pot restaurant they took us to – AMAZING. Company was pretty good too.
- Waffles. Seriously, ladies – Scott Semanski is the waffle king.
- Great refreshment and fellowship with some fantastic brothers and sisters. Rockin’ music too.
- Games. Lots of games. Also, a serious ab workout of laughing. Always a good time. =)
- SNOW! There wasn’t a lot. But that’s ok. There was one short-lived snowball fight… but it was ended early. Oops. Sorry…
- I was spoiled rotten by Marie, my hostess. Wow.
- Cute Korean coffee shop, art work, poems, hurb tea and sugar packets.
- Check the FB album for more. It was just a GOOD weekend!
And…. Let’s see… OH. Big news. I submitted my paperwork to transfer to the University Teaching Program within ELI! So that means I’ll be moving and teaching in a University next year! I should be finding out my placement soon – I’m VERY excited and thrilled about getting to spend more time in this amazing country!
Last thing: This picture makes me smile. I was invited to Douglas’ birthday party after school one day. Here, he is making a wish as we are singing Happy Birthday. However, note Harold’s face (top right). Is that not the picture of sheer happiness?!? Ah, I love that class.

love it.
yaaaa for UTP!! :D so cool!! :D your kids are precious.
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